1 April 2010
B Squadron moved through the month of January under the watchful and capable eyes of my second-in-command, Capt Mike Gough, and Squadron Sergeant Major, MWO Tom Holland, while I and my crew were on our mid-tour leave. During that time, B Squadron participated in a number of battle group operations, and at least on one occasion lent a helping hand to a group of US soldiers in a precarious situation (for more specific details you will need to speak to WO Marcel Chenier and Sgt Steve Churchill). As a result, the American Commander of Task Force 1-12 presented a number of his Commander’s Coins to members of 3rd Tp in recognition of their service. It became apparent quickly that he, too, loves tanks.
February brought better weather and a significant change in B Squadron’s focus. Up to that point, we were typically tasked to support others in the completion of their missions. That being said, we were now asked to form the B Squadron Combat Team, with B Squadron being the backbone of the organization. This also meant that we were to be supported by other organizations. In short, we have now started to deploy and operate as a team, the remaining time we have here will pass much faster.
With the end of the deployment fast approaching, we are balancing our time between our remaining tasks and missions with our preparations for handover with A Squadron. Many are also starting to plan their post deployment leave, a phenomenon that seemingly improves the collective morale of the squadron. I will end my report with my continuing assurance that you, those whom we call family and friends, can be proud of your loved ones serving in B Squadron.