The Regimental Photo Contest…Proof that Cool Stuff Happens.
By Capt Mark MacInnis
Prior to exercise STEELE SABRE, the Commanding Officer (CO) introduced a Regimental photo-contest. This contest was open to all members of the Regiment and its purpose was simple… to capture some “cool” photos. As for the photos, they could be of anything and anyone as long as it was cool (sorry Capt Jeff Daley, submissions are now closed -opportunity missed). The CO also announced that the winner of the photo contest would be rewarded in true Cadieu fashion with a prize and a guarantee that their photo would be displayed in an equally cool location. The soldiers of the Regiment naturally responded in true Strathcona fashion (considering there was a prize involved), with a plethora of excellent photos that transformed the Regimental command team from leaders into art critics overnight. Following several days of deliberation, a winner emerged… Cpl Tom Hume claimed first place, while WO Marv MacNeill took a close second. Third place was conceded following a hard fought deliberation to Capt Varun Vahal. The contest overall lead to the development (no pun intended) of some well thought-out and intriguing photos that will be featured in this years edition of the Strathconian as well as this website.