By. Tpr Johnathan Wallace,
2 Feb 2009
As always, us here in C Sqn are working hard and busy again. Having just returned back to CFB Edmonton after Leopard 2A6M training in Germany; then time to relax with family for Christmas, we now find ourselves paying a visit to our neighbours to the south.
C Sqn is partaking in joint training with the BG in Fort Bliss, Texas. Over the course of 10 days, we took part in coordinated attacks with 2 R22R from Valcartier, Quebec. We were honing our skills after being separated from back in October.
Other notable highlights involved a raging case of gestational intestinal; I was on the ground for 12 hours and somehow became ill. I was quarantined by the medics for fear of being contagious. After that little incident, others were slightly hesitant to be near me fearing I was the grim reaper or something.
A few more of C Sqn were also destined to become ill, however, it was more self inflicted illness. The trouble began when 2 Troop WO Ted Amos proposed a “Honeybun Camp Record” contest in the camp canteen. The rules were simple. Eat as many honeybuns as you can.
After a bit of encouragement (Read: Peer pressure) our very own Tpr Cory Rogers set out to break the standing record of 6 honeybuns. No easy feat by any means, but he trumped it by devouring the super sugary donut like pastries to the tune of 7 honeybuns! All was well and the record stood up to all challengers, but in time Tpr Rogers’ record was not high enough and another took the crown.
This hurt us all (not really, but hey, bragging rights are bragging rights). We thought the glory was gone forever. But alas, a saviour came along joining us from 3 Troop, Sgt Mark Denson. He laid the claim that he alone could do away with 14 honeybuns! Remarkable! Talk ensued and amongst ourselves another challenger piped that he could match, and best Sgt Denson. The challenger was 2 Troop’s own Sgt Michael McGarity. With sugar glazed eyes, they plowed through the 28 honeybuns over the course of an hour. A very clean fight right down to the wire, but despite the challenger, Sgt Denson would go on and take the title, taking the record with 12 delicious honeybuns and forever having the glory. I did not believe one man could consume so much sugar in one sitting. I now know it is possible. Keeping all that sugar down however… is a different story.
All in all, the training down in the lone star state proved to be a good time to reconnect and regain our ability to live and work together, further building towards making our squadron and effectively, our tour, go as strongly and smoothly as possible.
Through everything;