Tank Blessings and Maintenance
By Capt P.A. Buckingham
On 27 February 2019, Lt(N) David Jackson, Padre to LdSH(RC), went to the Leo 2 Maintenance Facility to assist in the maintenance effort. With Maintenance Troop working extended hours and exhausting all mortal capabilities to repair and maintain these vehicles, Padre Jackson invoked divine assistance by meeting with members of Maintenance Troop and providing the following blessing to our humble fleet of rolling thunder in preparation for upcoming exercises.
Blessing of Tanks – LdSH(RC)
“Almighty God, who is our Mighty Fortress, grant to the Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians) that putting on the whole armour of God they may go forth through the earth eager to serve Queen and Country with courage, honour and loyalty. Keep us ever mindful of former valour, and grant us grace, that whatever challenges and hardships we face, we may in all things persevere.
Everlasting God, we especially thank you this day for the Maintainers of our Regiment, and the diligent, important and challenging work they do in maintaining these Tanks. We ask You to bless them, protect them and keep them in this ongoing task.
Finally, be gracious, O God, to our prayers and bless these Tanks with Your right hand. Send Your holy angels to accompany them that they may keep from all evils those who ride in them. May they serve as Your instruments for good, like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces, shattering evil, and defending the righteous. We ask this in Your Holy Name. Amen.”
Padre D. Jackson
The efforts of Maintenance Troop, HQ Sqn, support from the Fighting Sqns and now the Padre will be put to the test on Ex ORNERY RAM and Ex MAPLE RESOLVE 2019.
*The notable exception to the blessings was the tank known as “Cinnador” .