Op IMPACT ROTO 7 Second Half
Captain Cameron Bond
During the months of August, September and October the Strathcona’s in Camp Canada, Ali Al Salem Air Base continued to support Operation IMPACT and its efforts across the Joint Operations Area. The Home Leave Travel Assistance (HLTA) period came and went, bringing staffing changes and plenty of learning opportunities to the J3 shop.
Moving into September, the team finished the HLTA cycle and moved back into a regular battle rhythm. Thankfully, it was a quiet month and the team of Duty Officers was able to focus on personal development. Notable activities included an outstanding presentation on Truth and Reconciliation by the Regiment’s own Captain Kai Keewatin. The sombre topic was covered in an informative PowerPoint presentation and followed up on with a demonstration of a Smudging Ceremony that the JTF-I (Joint Task Force-IMPACT) personnel attended.
October featured a Thanksgiving dinner on the patio of the Canada House, which was widely attended. It also saw Halloween celebrations featuring an incredibly impressive cake. These morale activities were organized and executed by the OSH morale committee and advertised in the OSH daily situation report, affectionately known on camp as the “Romkey Daily”.
Moving into November, the focus for the JOC became facilitating the Relief in Place effort, which at time of writing is commencing smoothly. It has been an eventful and exciting six months here in Kuwait, and the Strathcona’s here will be returning home to the Regiment for their next adventures soon.