Fun in the sun
By: Tpr Maxime Gironne, T32 Gunner
5 June 2009
With two months down, our biggest challenge, still, is getting use to the heat. It just keeps getting hotter, contrary to the weather reports from KAF. It gets up to 55 degrees in the sun and around 35 in the shade and the worst part is that its not even summer, yet! I am scared to think what July is going to be like. Well I suppose it’s better than the hail we had in April. We have actually lost track of the temperature lately because our thermometer overheated and crapped out. As a gunner, I really love my airless working environment which is usual ten degrees hotter than those who work on the top of the tank. The heat makes me feel completely out of shape because I start sweating after only setting up my seat. The driver is pretty much in the same boat; while our crew commander and loader have the wind blowing through their, fairly long, hair. Please note - we missed the barber due to an operation, ah shucks. I will get in at the first opportunity; however they are few and far between.
The heat has created other small problems, especially with maintenance. If you forget a tool on the tanks, go to lunch and then come back, you’ll have a nice surprise waiting for you if you grab the same tool without any gloves on. I don’t know how many times a day we hear someone yelling and cursing after touching a burning hot tool. Hopefully, in time we will learn. The tanks are continuing to hold up well and are quite busy.
Just recently some of the Squadron decided to try our hand at flying – yes flying. We were helping to set up some modular tentage near the Helicopter Landing Site, thought we had everything set and were about to raise it up when a Chinook came in and blind-sided us from over the mountain. The 20 of us that were holding onto the tent got a good 5 to 7 feet in the air; the Sergeant Major witnessed our attempt at flying and decided that; maybe, a seacan would be a better option for that particular location. Aside from that, we are staying alert and getting ready for anything that the Battle Group has in mind for us.