A Day In Evansburg
By: Tpr Pope AL
17 June 2005
This weekend marked the end of the parade year for the cadets of LdSH(RC) 3070 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps (RCAC) in Evansburg, AB. Every year, in every cadet corps around the country, Cadets celebrate the end of the training year with an annual inspection and formal dismissal for the summer. The cadets of the 3070 marked this event with a parade and a dinner for the parents and guests on the evening of 5 June 2005. As B Squadron LdSH(RC) is the regimental sponsor for the 3070, the reviewing officer for the parade was the Officer Commanding B Squadron - Maj Trevor Gosselin. Accompanying him was the B Squadron Liaison Officer Lt Alastair McMurachy and Tpr AL Pope. The parade was proudly presented by Lt Phillip McKerry, the Cadet Commanding Officer of the 3070 RCAC.
Despite the heat, and the lack of a band, the cadets paraded proudly and were well turned out. Awards were presented to the cadets for attendance, long service, and marksmanship. There were also a few promotions that Maj Gosselin has the privilege of presenting. After the parade, the crowd was treated to a roast beef dinner prepared by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Legion. During the dinner there were speeches and toasts to the Queen, the Regiment and to the cadets.
This parade is hardly the end for these cadets. A couple of weeks from now most of these them will put their uniforms back on and get ready to face a much greater challenge than they are used to - summer camp. For those who will be participating in the cadet summer camps they will either be enrolled in the two-week basic training camp for the first-year cadets, or the six-week leadership camps for the older cadets. The more senior cadets are employed as staff at these camps and will be put to the test as section commanders, platoon commanders, company sergeant majors and even camp sergeant majors. No matter what course they will be taking and no matter what capacity they serve, it will undoubtedly be an experience they will not soon forget.